Know Your Risk for Cognitive Decline
What is a Cognoscopy?
A cognoscopy is a term coined by Dr. Bredesen that refers to a simple assessment, which uses a combination of laboratory and cognitive testing with optional brain imaging that identifies the contributors to cognitive decline or risk for decline. We all know that when we turn 50-years-old, we should have a colonoscopy to detect and treat colon cancer early, thus avoiding advanced, life-threatening cancer. But what about our brains? Just as with colon cancer, the pathology behind neurodegeneration, including Alzheimer’s, takes many years — often decades — to develop, providing for an extended prodromal period in which we can effectively intervene. The good news is that we can now check our risk and intervene as early as possible to identify if we have emerging contributors that are silently contributing to neurodegenerative pathology. We can do this by following three simple steps.
Three Simple Steps for Assessing Cognitive Risk
- A set of blood tests that reveals risk factors for dementia.
- Complete a series of simple, online cognitive assessments that indicate whether there are any areas of concern currently.
- An MRI scan with volumetrics. The MRI is optional for those who have no symptoms but is recommended for those who already have cognitive symptoms or whose cognitive scores suggest any degree of cognitive impairment.
How Much Does a Cognoscopy Cost?
The price of a cognoscopy is included in the cost of the PreCODE™ or ReCODE Program™ (Optional MRI with volumetric not included).
Get Your Cognoscopy Today
You can easily access a cognoscopy through either our PreCODE or ReCODE Programs. To determine which program is right for you, take our free Cq Assessment. Set aside approximately 15 minutes to complete the assessment. Make sure that you’re well-rested and won’t be interrupted.
Knowledge is power; see where you stand to protect your cognition for years to come.