November 17, 2022
KetoFLEX 12/3 Kitchen: A Bountiful Harvest

Thanksgiving is an opportunity to reflect on the blessings in your life while bringing your family and friends together with food. The great news is that you can easily stay KetoFLEX 12/3 compliant while enjoying this precious time. Our recipe for Thanksgiving Dressing (see below), and our guide for sourcing your turkey A Word on the Bird, along with the recipes for Roasted Delicata & Brocollini Salad, Cranberry Sauce, and Pumpkin Pie, are available to members of our PreCODE and ReCODE Programs and offer menu ideas to nurture those you love with healthful food and treasure the time spent together.
Thanksgiving Dressing

While some call it “stuffing” and others call it “dressing,” everyone calls this version delicious. It is the ultimate comfort food — flavorful and satisfying while still low in carbohydrates and chock-full of healthful ingredients. The best part is that it’s so easy to make; we hope you’ll use it to upgrade any meal year-round.
Yield: Eight one-cup servings
● 4 tbsp pastured butter or ghee (Those concerned about saturated fatty acids can substitute half with high polyphenol extra virgin olive oil [EVOO]).
● 1 large onion, chopped
● 2 large carrots, peeled and chopped
● 2 celery stalks, USDA organic, chopped
● 24 oz cauliflower, riced (frozen is ok; thaw and drain well before cooking)
● 1 (8 oz) package of baby Bella mushrooms, chopped
● 2 tsp sea salt
● 1 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
● 1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
● 2 tsp fresh thyme, chopped
● 2 tbsp poultry seasoning
● 3/4 cup pastured chicken bone broth (vegetable broth can be substituted)
1) Melt butter, ghee, or EVOO combination in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onion, carrot, and celery, and sauté until soft, for seven to eight minutes.
2) Add cauliflower and mushrooms and season with salt and pepper. Add more or less as desired. Cook until tender, around eight to ten minutes more.
3) Add the parsley, rosemary, and poultry seasoning and stir until combined.
4) Pour broth and cook until totally tender and liquid is absorbed, which will take about ten minutes.
5) Transfer to a serving dish and enjoy!