October 1, 2021
New Study Shows Improvement in Alzheimer’s Patients After Therapeutic Program

The staff at Us Weekly spoke with Apollo Health’s Principal Research Scientist Dr. Ram Rao and Chief Technical Officer Lance Kelly about Apollo Health’s first published analysis of the ReCODE Protocol™ published in the scientific peer-reviewed journal Biomedicines.
This study showed that cognition stabilized or improved for 74% of the dataset which consisted of individuals with subjective cognitive impairment, mild cognitive impairment, and early Alzheimer’s disease.
The lead author of the paper, Principal Research Scientist Dr. Rammohan Rao told the Us Weekly staff, “Our study offers genuine hope to the millions of people with dementia, or mild cognitive impairment, as well as those at risk due to family histories of dementia.”
Apollo Health’s CTO Lance Kelly added, “Fifty-one percent of participants experiencing cognitive improvement is a massive step forward for dementia Apollo Health’s CTO Lance Kelly added, “Fifty-one percent of participants experiencing cognitive improvement is a massive step forward for dementia research. We know this works; now we have to focus on spreading the word, increasing program adoption, and improving compliance to help more people get better outcomes.”