Insider Strategies
March 19, 2025•From Ram Rao, Insider Strategies, News
We all know that maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial for optimal health, but what if you could just take a pill? In his blog ,Magic Pill vs. Exercise?, Dr Rao explains that while exercise molecules from a pill may mimic some benefits of physical activity, regular physical exercise remains essential for cognitive and mental well-being, cardiovascular health, and metabolic resilience. Read More »
March 19, 2025•Behavior Change, Insider Strategies, News
Mindfulness for Beginners — and we are all beginners
In her blog, Mindfulness for Beginners, Valerie Driscoll recommends her favorite book for those who are ready to open the door to the lifelong practice of mindfulness — leading to improved self-understanding and access to inner wisdom. Read More »
February 17, 2025•Behavior Change, From Julie Gregory, Insider Strategies, News
In honor of Valentine's Day, Julie Gregory shares her blog entitled This is Love, which is focused on the many examples of extraordinary love that she's personally observed while working with our community. She celebrates stunning examples of beautiful relationships between partners, parents and children, siblings, and friends, and most importantly the self-love that’s vital to practice the protocol successfully. Read More »
February 17, 2025•From Ram Rao, Insider Strategies, News
Balance and Cognition: A Symbiotic Relationship
Balance plays a pivotal role in cognitive health by integrating sensory inputs from the inner ear, eyes, and balance centers in the brain. Activities that enhance balance contribute to brain plasticity, fostering optimal cognitive function. In his blog Balance and Cognition: A Symbiotic Relationship, Dr. Rao offers practical tips to strengthen and improve balance. Read More »
February 17, 2025•Behavior Change, Insider Strategies, News
Tapping into the heart-brain connection can be a powerful way to manage stress and regulate emotions. In her blog Make Time to Experience Love, Jennifer Newton shares how using HeartMath techniques to cultivate feelings of love and gratitude can help us deal with life’s challenges and set a positive tone for others. Read More »
January 16, 2025•Behavior Change, Insider Strategies, News, Nutrition
After noticing a trend in post-holiday member conversations, Valerie Driscoll was inspired to write about how sticking to KetoFLEX 12/3 shifts from impossible, to trying, to easier, to easy, even for the most challenged among us. This shift happens as the body heals; you begin to notice the difference between feeling well and unwell and how quickly this happens based on food choices. Valerie offers tips to help you pay mindful attention as you find your way to easy. Read More »
January 16, 2025•Behavior Change, From Julie Gregory, Insider Strategies, News
In Julie Gregory's blog, Living with Alzheimer's, she explores the challenges of living with Alzheimer’s from both the perspectives of those affected and their care partners. Because participants enter the program at different stages of the disease process, it's often a struggle to implement the protocol. She offers practical strategies that can help make their daily lives a little more manageable for everyone involved in this healing journey. Read More »
December 20, 2024•Behavior Change, Insider Strategies, News
In Valerie Driscoll’s blog, Spot the Joy, she compares her birding hobby, where she learned to cultivate her attention on birds, to ‘joy spotting' as a way to increase happiness. Solid science suggests that regulating one’s attention impacts mental & physical health. Read more to learn how focusing & prioritizing attention can foster joy and that rewiring your brain can happen at any age. Read More »