October 7, 2021
ReCODE Protocol ™ Shows Positive Results in Alzheimer’s Treatment

Men’s Journal covered our first peer-reviewed data analysis of participants in our ReCODE program entitled “ReCODE: A Personalized, Targeted, Multi-Factorial Therapeutic Program for Reversal of Cognitive Decline” that was recently published in the scientific journal Biomedicines.
This study showed that cognition stabilized or improved for 74% of the dataset, which consisted of individuals with subjective cognitive impairment, mild cognitive impairment, and early Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
In addition to addressing the specific drivers of their cognitive decline, such as glycotoxicity, a lack of hormonal support, toxins, etc., all participants were encouraged to use specific diet and lifestyle strategies.
This brain-healthy lifestyle is summarized with the Bredesen Seven (B7), which includes the KetoFLEX 12/3 diet, a mildly ketogenic plant-rich diet with a prescribed fasting period; an exercise program comprised of both aerobic and anaerobic exercise; seven to eight hours of quality, restorative sleep through the adoption of a sleep hygiene program (and treatment of nocturnal hypoxemia if present); a stress management program emphasizing regular deep breathing breaks with meditation; regular brain training, other learning opportunities, as well as the maintenance of social connectivity; an avoidance of toxins along with instructions to upregulate detoxification; and, finally, personalized supplement recommendations based upon the participant’s lab values.
Rammohan Rao, Ph.D., Apollo Health’s principal research scientist and lead author of this analysis, was quoted in the article about how he sees hope in this treatment, “Taken together, these results offer hope that the era of Alzheimer’s as a terminal illness is coming to a close.”
Read the article here.