August 16, 2021
What do Your Values Have to do With Your B7 Success?

By Chris Coward, Vice President of Coaching for Apollo Health
In our ReCODE+ and PreCODE+ Group Coaching Programs, we talk a lot about our participants’ top values and how they impact lifestyle changes associated with following the ReCODE Protocol or B7. However, it’s easy to miss that all of our decisions are about choosing one value over another.
One of Kaplan’s 7 Barriers to Change is when there’s a conflict with your values. We are using the term “values” to mean basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate attitudes or actions. They help us to determine what is important to us. What does this mean? I’ll share a personal example. Two of my top values are adventure and health. They can fit together really well in some ways, as following the B7 for my health can be quite the adventure! However, sometimes they conflict, and it can be challenging. One area of conflict is eating out with friends and family. My social network is full of adventurous eaters, trying different cuisines, most of which are not KetoFLEX 12/3-friendly. I got a lot of What’s the best way to solve a values conflict? First, become aware that you have a conflict in the first place. Noticing frustration or anger is one clue. Second, how can you honor both of these top values? This can take some perspective, shifting, and creativity with the help of a health coach. Most of the time, there is a path of relief toward honoring both of your top values. With my example from above, I love the adventure of biohacking and trying different healthy strategies to optimize my brain health. Making a healthy food choice, i.e., not trying food that’s not good for me while being social, helps me be both adventurous and healthy. In fact, by now, my friends and family expect this from me, and they often admire and respect my choices (and sometimes they get weird, but that’s OK). practice with this challenge several years ago when I learned I’m gluten-sensitive. I’ve come a long way from feeling like my choices were so limited to really enjoying how much better I feel without gluten. And, I recognize it’s my choice if I want to enjoy fresh bread while traveling in Europe, but I do it in moderation.
One of the common values conflicts I see in coaching is the high value many have on family along with personal health. This can show itself when the cook in the family makes different meals for their spouse or children other than what they eat because they want everyone to enjoy their meals at family dinners. Resentment can build over time as cooking two different meals can get old quickly. How does this value conflict get solved? One way is through candid conversation with family members to share how important it is for the participant to follow the B7. Problem-solving to get at the root of the values conflict is helpful as well, as it looks somewhat different for every individual. Our PreCODE+ and ReCODE+ group coaching programs deal with the value-conflict resolution as just one of the ways to make the ReCODE protocol journey easier to incorporate into your life.
I wish you all the best in navigating your B7 journey, and if you need the support of a health coach, please reach out to!